We are using a new online service called Register with a GP surgery that makes it easy to register with this GPsurgery. (Please note this process maytake up to 7 working days to complete).
Just fill in thisquick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.
Paper forms are still available at the practice if you prefer to register using this method.
Named GP
Every patient is now allocated a named GP. This may be different from the GP you usually see.
This does not change the way you book appointments.
It means that one GP will have overall responsibility for your care at the Practice. The Practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate any requests regarding any preferences to be with a specific GP.
Should you wish to know your named GP please contact us and speak with a member of the team.
New Patient Health Check
To go alongside our registration process we review the information you have provided to make sure we have an accurate record of any repeat medication and any health conditions that may require reviews or monitoring. The practice will then contact patients who require a further follow-up or new patient
Please be assured this does not affect medical treatment which is available from the date of registration.
Practice Drug Policy
Please note that the practice does NOT prescribe any of the following medications:
We also do NOT routinely prescribe the following medications. Should you currently be on ANY of these medications you may be asked to commence a reduction programme on joining the surgery following a review appointment with one of the GP’s:
If you fail to attend your appointment;
If you are unable to attend your appointment you must contact the surgery on 01429 282600 at least ONE hour before to cancel so this time can be used by someone else. Patients who continuously fail to attend appointments and do not let the practice know in advance will be sent a letter confirming the appointment policy and asking if there are specific problems preventing them from letting
us know. After THREE DNA appointments in a six month period we will write to you informing you to find another GP to register with.
Practice zero tolerance policy
As a practice we operate NHS zero tolerance policy. We do not allow physical or verbal abuse against any member of our staff. Patients could be removed without warning in certain circumstances including:
Proxy Access
If you are managing the health of someone else, you can apply for proxy access. This provides access to the person's online account for:
People with parental responsibility for children have rights to access their children’s records.
This is in most cases. Not all parents have parental responsibility. Proxy access for parent and guardian to a child’s record is a practice-level decision.
Proxy access on behalf of another adult
A person must be registered for online access at the practice where the patient they are acting for is
registered. Proxy is the recommended alternative to sharing login details.
More Information
RCPG Guidance on Proxy Access
NHS App: Using linked profiles to access services for someone else
Temporary Registration
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a GP but need to see one
you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP Practice for up to 14 days.
After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you
to be on the local Practice list and remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that Practice.
To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local Practice you wish to use.
Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation
to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a Practice in the town or area where you are already registered.
Form Downloads
PRF1 Form
Practice Boundary
Our current practice boundary includes the whole of the Hartlepool Borough including the surrounding villages, Greatham, Elwick and Hart. We also go as far up as Crimdon Dene to just before Blackhall Rocks. This covers the TS24 to TS27 postcode area.
Patient Responsibilities and keeping Appointments
It is the responsibility of the patient to cancel an appointment if they are unable to attend. Valuable time is wasted by patients who do not attend for prebooked appointments. If a patient fails to attend for 3
appointments without giving notice to cancel; they may be removed from the practice list.
Zero Tolerance
This practice operates a Zero Tolerance policy towards violent and abusive behaviour. Patients will be removed with immediate effect from the practice list if they demonstrate violent or abusive behaviour
towards any member of the practice team or whilst they are on the practice premises. A record will also be made on the Violent Patient Register held by the Health Authority.Zero Tolerance Document Download