Cervical Smear Tests
These are usually performed by one of our Practice Nurses at our smear clinic.
Family Planning
Oral and Injectable Contraception.
Coil insertion and removal.
Implant insertion and removal.
Postnatal Checks
Please inform Reception when booking your appointment that it is for a postnatal check.
Baby Clinic (8 week check)
Your baby will be examined by a Doctor and the Practice Nurse will then give the baby’s first immunisation.
Child Immunisation Clinics
Held usually on a Tuesday morning with the Practice Nurse. The Practice will notify parents/guardians when their child’s immunisations are overdue.
Travel Vaccinations / Information
Please inform Reception when booking your appointment that it is for this Clinic.
Minor Surgery Clinics
These clinics are held once a month. A referral from the GP is required.
Anticoagulant / Warfarin
Clinics held once weekly.
Health Checks
Health check appointments are available which include lifestyle advice. These clinics are nursing team-led. Please inform Reception when booking your appointment that it is for a health check.
Chronic Disease Management Clinics
Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Kidney Disease, etc.
All patients who suffer from any of the above named conditions will be invited for a yearly review.
Sexual Health
Advice is available by appointment with one of the Practice nurses.